Being creative is part of being alive

Hello creative soul!

I believe that everybody is born creative. Until they go to school and are asked to fit in a mould. This is usually when the creative spark dies.

It took me quite a while to re-ignite that spark and dare call myself an artist. I thought you had to have a degree. And maybe you do. I don’t, although I have followed numerous art- and drawing classes.

It took me even longer to call myself a writer. Even though I have written weekly blog posts for over 10 years, published a poetry and a children’s book.

I believe that you must try many things (and fail often) in order to find what you like. I’m glad I found my creative voice in what I call intuitive painting, collage making, writing and poetry.
I often create with no plan but with certain rules and lots of fun. Layer upon layer, words after word, image after image, things get processed, translated onto canvas or paper and eventually (sometimes immediately, sometimes only after weeks or months or even years) something happens, intuitively. My paintings, stories, poems create themselves.

I often find many parallels between creativity and life and how we move through it and share that with my readers.

Why Tiny Magic?

Tiny Magic is where I write on Substack.

For me there is magic everywhere. Not the big, bada boom kind, but the small, everyday kind.

I have noticed tiny magic since I was a child and later realised that not everyone is able to see what I see. It’s not that they can’t, it’s more that they have forgotten how.

It is my mission to (re)ignite that creative spark in each of us.

At Tiny Magic, I share reflections on what it means to lead a creative life and how art and writing can help you understand yourself and life.

Join me on Substack.


One of the biggest lessons from my own coach was: ‘The way you do one thing is the way you do everything’. By doing one thing differently – or better – the result is immediate and the insight very powerful. To move from reacting to creating your life, all you have to do is move the C…