Day 3 of #artjournaladvent2022
Every day, I receive a prompt to create a page in my advent art journal.
Today’s prompt was
I have been on a journey of inward connection for about a year now.
My body has been communicating with me loudly and so I was ‘forced’ to listen.
I crave baths, walks in the woods, creative me-time where I just make things with my hands, massages, time to read a good book and relax on my couch.
My inner child, that girl with the flower dress is popping up asking me to have fun, to just be joyful, to do things because I love them and without thinking of why and what for
She invites me to connect.
With her.
With myself.
With the elements around me.
It’s been quite a ride.
🦋What does connection bring up in you right now?🦋