Day 12 of #artjournaladvent2022

Every day, I receive a prompt to create a page in my advent art journal.

Today’s prompt was


Oh it sounds so simple.
To simplify.

For me it’s a daily need to remind myself of it.
I am a creative person.
I like A LOT of things.
My brain jumps from one idea to the next.
I like to combine this with that.
Oh and this.
Oh and that…

Before I know it, a thousand tabs are open, my agenda is full and I have no time to concentrate on any of it 😂

I have simplified my agenda with the simple rule to accept no more that 1-2 social event a week.

I have simplified my art by moving from huge canvases to smaller art journaling and collage making.

I have simplified my fitness by simply going for walks.

I still have the tendency to add, connect, combine.
I still get excited with loads of ideas.
I have learned to pace myself.
Simplicity is what has helped me lately to focus.

🦋Where do you feel the need to simplify?🦋