
View outside your window

2022-12-31T12:09:27+02:00December 2nd, 2022|

Day 2 of #artjournaladvent2022 Every day, I receive a prompt to create a page in my advent art journal. Today's prompt was VIEW OUTSIDE YOUR WINDOW It's Friday and I have the day off. I love Fridays off. And looking out my window it feels like it's going to now today. I love nature and often bring in flowers, plants and sticks. I used a dried one to add to today's collage. I'm lucky to live in a village in the countryside so that I can just step outside and be in the woods or surrounded by soot [...]


2022-12-31T12:07:05+02:00December 1st, 2022|

Today is the first day of #artjournaladvent2022 Every day, I receive a prompt to create a page in my advent art journal. Today's prompt was ENTHUSIASM It immediately made me think of myself as a little girl. A time without worries, where cutting, pasting and creating was a daily activity, just for fun, no pressure, not even an expected outcome. I loved paper back then and still do. I loved creating back then and still do. I had so much ENTHUSIASM back then. And so much less nowadays. I want to [...]

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