

2023-03-17T07:19:24+02:00February 3rd, 2023|

On my walk today, I changed the rhythm of my steps from time to time. Slow, long strides. Fast, powerful steps. Slow, mindful movements. Fast, tiny jumps. It changed not only my entire walk - and whoever saw me might have thought I was crazy - but also my perception during the different sets. Faster movement require attention to the steps, the ground and the breath. Slower movement allow a contemplation of the surroundings. As always, everything I see and experience in the woods is a metaphor f [...]


2022-11-12T23:49:49+02:00September 23rd, 2022|

When the day is as long as the night I am reminded of balance Night /Day Darkness / Light Fire / Water Sorrow / Joy Without one we would not know the other I painted this painting called Equinox around the spring Equinox in 2020 when the whole world felt suddenly unbalanced. It reminded me that even in chaos there is balance. Because without chaos there is no order either. I hope you find balance in your life as we move into Autumn season! [...]

How balanced are you?

2024-07-23T08:50:48+02:00December 18th, 2020|

Balance is the new buzzword. It's the state we all long to be in. For years now, we have been hearing that a work life balance is important for our well-being. That we can't just work-work-work because we need to play in order to stay sane. And that we can't just play all the time, because there is rent to pay. But what does work life balance really mean? From my experience there is no right answer here. Because my work life balance may look terrifying to you and I might not like the way you ha [...]

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