
Get rid of clutter and success will follow

2022-04-30T19:43:48+02:00May 14th, 2021|

What do the following items have in common? A loose button on your shirt that you have meant to mend for weeks. Your grandma's old china that you never use but keep anyway. An old grudge against an old friend. Unworn clothes in your wardrobe. Gifts you received but don't really like. Fear of failure in your future business The oil change your car is in desperate need of. The rented DVDs you need to return. The filing you need to do. They are all clutter. Clutter doesn't have to be a physical ob [...]

16 happiness systems that have a positive effect on other people

2020-01-10T09:45:40+02:00January 10th, 2020|

Have you ever had an a-ha moment? You know, a moment when suddenly little bits and pieces of life fall together and make you realize something? I had one some years ago. I was at work, in a good mood, smiling. I felt like I was in a bubble; a positive, happy bubble that allowed me to work easily and get things done. I noticed that my mood, attitude and intention seemed to change the way things were happening and people were reacting around me. One colleague seemed particularly stressed and in a [...]

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