
7 seconds

2021-04-30T09:45:16+02:00April 30th, 2021|

The other day I was on a call with my coach (yes, coaches get coached too) and she was commending me for just rolling with things and making decisions rapidly, instead of overthinking and procrastinating. How is it that in certain areas of our life we have absolutely no problem with making decisions and just 'rolling with things' and in other areas, we can totally overthink things? Sound familiar? In The Hagakure, a book of Samurai principles, it is suggested that you should make a decision in t [...]

The positive side of negative emotions

2022-06-02T17:23:40+02:00March 6th, 2020|

Two years ago almost to the day (don't you love the universal mystery of time?), I wrote this post. And man was it an eye opener. So many things started shifting after that. Have I gotten rid of all my anger? No, but I got rid of the parts that were standing in my way. Emotions are there for a reason. They usually alert us that something is wrong, dangerous, out of balance, that we need to protect ourselves. They happen when we step out of our comfort zones we enter new situations we meet new [...]

Why motivation is not the problem

2020-01-03T09:45:03+02:00January 3rd, 2020|

As a life coach, I often hear people say they lack motivation. They have the best goals: they want to live healthier, get organized at home or at work, start a new business or project. These goals are things they WANT. And you would say that if you want something really bad, it should be easy to get motivated right? Wrong. So why are we not motivated or driven enough to meet our goals? Are we not determined enough? Strong enough? The way I see it, motivation is like the sap of a tree: it keeps [...]

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