
Attention – why it makes all the difference

2022-06-02T17:25:14+02:00February 28th, 2020|

I recently talked about Attitude being everything. The very next day someone I will call Melissa told me I was completely WRONG! That got me thinking. Was I wrong? Is attitude really working EVERY time? Melissa said that she was under stress and pressure at work and wished she had stayed at home that day. I told her that changing her attitude could make a difference in how she felt. That’s when her big WRONG was fired back. So what do I do when I’m under stress and pressure? I sure am no Wonder [...]

16 happiness systems that have a positive effect on other people

2020-01-10T09:45:40+02:00January 10th, 2020|

Have you ever had an a-ha moment? You know, a moment when suddenly little bits and pieces of life fall together and make you realize something? I had one some years ago. I was at work, in a good mood, smiling. I felt like I was in a bubble; a positive, happy bubble that allowed me to work easily and get things done. I noticed that my mood, attitude and intention seemed to change the way things were happening and people were reacting around me. One colleague seemed particularly stressed and in a [...]

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