Tiny Magic

Tiny little pleasures

2023-05-23T17:35:33+02:00May 23rd, 2023|

"What lovely tulips you have", she says. "Who did you get them from?" "Me", I say, grinning. "If I have to wait for someone to buy me flowers, I'd hardly ever have any. So I buy them myself. It makes me happy to look at them" "Oh you are so right", she replies. "Why don't we do that more often? Buy flowers for ourselves, or do things for ourselves instead of waiting or expecting others to do them for us?" "I can name a hundred reasons. I never bought myself flowers before because I learned that [...]

Tiny moments of magic

2023-03-17T18:11:05+02:00March 17th, 2023|

All around me I see people going through big shifts at the moment. Can you feel it too? A job gets changed, a partner gets left, a country gets replaced by one on the other side of the planet, a book gets planned, a retirement is started early. Decisions are being made at the moment. Big ones. And while we have made those decisions ourselves, chosen the actions that go along with them, there are certain moments of doubt, hesitation and fear. Is this the right decision? Am I crazy for doing this [...]

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