I am participating in @kasiaavery CareDecember Art Journaling project.

This is day 5 prompt:


In 2009 I took a coach and part of the program was knowing where your energy went. And the first exercise was going through your house, room by room, with a list and questions that helped you clear out things.
The second step was looking at the energy in your different areas of life and answer a set of questions.
These two exercises were the most important realization for me of the entire program.
I had no idea where my energy was going.
Now I do those regularly and have a system set up that allows for that energy to be protected.

However, sometimes life throws you a curveball. Right!?
And all your carefully set up systems just fall apart like a house of cards.

But like Thich Nhat Hanh said:
No mud, no lotus.

And we might not like the mud but hell is the lotus beautiful!

I’ve been going through some serious mud this year.
And the lotus has been a journey of focus, priorities and cleansing.

I feel I’m not done yet (are we ever?), but I can see little lotuses Pippi g up on my pond.

🦋Where are you cleansing in your life? 🦋
🦋Where are you growing and healing? 🦋