Day 9 of #artjournaladvent2022

Every day, I receive a prompt to create a page in my advent art journal.

Today’s prompt was


I’ve learned to listen to my intuition over the last 15 years.
Meaning, heart and gut over brain. There always still is a part that then analyses whether my intuition should be followed though 😂

But lately, I have been doing a lot more things on impulse.

Should I sign up for that expensive writing course?
Should I buy this present and look further for maybe a better one?
Should I just go for it?

So much spontaneity is lost when we start thinking about things.

Just do it.
Turn right when your body pulls you there.
Sign up because you want to.
Call even if you don’t know if it’s the right time.
Give a hug even though it might be awkward.

🦋What impulses have you followed lately ?🦋