
The magic of a forest walk

2023-03-17T07:20:05+02:00January 4th, 2023|

Today I had some worries and thus some emotions to tackle and walking has always helped me letting emotions course through my body. So at lunchtime, I took myself on a swift walk. It was stormy, but the wind settled into the tree tops as soon as I got into the woods. Suddenly I heard a noise I couldn’t place and it made me jump. A dog? A boar? I stopped and looked around. Nothing. I walked on and it seemed that my senses were heightened. I heard some squeaky noises I couldn’t really place eithe [...]

What is it that makes you worthy to be loved?

2022-05-31T13:47:20+02:00February 19th, 2021|

When I ask people "What do you love about yourself?" or "What is it that makes you worthy to be loved?" I usually get either of two reactions: stunned silence, followed by by a look that says 'what do you mean?', followed by an uttered 'uh', followed by hesitation, followed by all sorts of emotions (sometimes accompanied by tears) people tell me about something they DO or have achieved or accomplished. They tell me about some 'thing' they are 'good at' or 'proud of'. Of course these are valid an [...]

The positive side of negative emotions

2022-06-02T17:23:40+02:00March 6th, 2020|

Two years ago almost to the day (don't you love the universal mystery of time?), I wrote this post. And man was it an eye opener. So many things started shifting after that. Have I gotten rid of all my anger? No, but I got rid of the parts that were standing in my way. Emotions are there for a reason. They usually alert us that something is wrong, dangerous, out of balance, that we need to protect ourselves. They happen when we step out of our comfort zones we enter new situations we meet new [...]

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