Who put 2020 on their vision board? I did!

2022-05-31T15:44:44+02:00September 25th, 2020|

After writing my post talking about 2020, and launching, like every year, my Visionboard workshop, the Universe gently sent me some comments and emails from people and pointed me to some other blog posts that all said something like: 2020 was NOT on my vision board! If 2020 were a vision board (and then images of doomsday armageddon) I really need to redo my vision board! This is NOT what I planned Here's the thing though... 2020 was on my vision board. WHAT???? you did this?! haha No but serio [...]

Let’s talk about 2020

2022-05-31T15:50:03+02:00September 18th, 2020|

You know how the Universe seems to always provide you with exactly what you need? It might not always be what you WANT, but it sure is what you need. And of course only hindsight can show you that it was exactly right. If only we had the hindsight before, right? I think we can all agree that this year is odd. Off even. Like someone added a frog to your favorite smoothie. Yuck. Discussions with my friends have shown though, that we are not all in the same boat. We all deal with this pandemic and [...]

Summer 2020 – original vacation ideas

2020-07-03T09:39:47+02:00July 3rd, 2020|

Due to the pandemic situation, we, like many others, had to rethink our holiday plans. We are no longer going to Florida, but have now booked a house with a pool in the Provence. It feels right, safe and doable in these crazy times. Staying closer to home, driving distance seems to be more important now. So I thought I'd provide you with a few original ideas on where to spend your summer this year, should you still be looking... LUXEMBOURG Trail-inn The Trail Inn hotel is in my vill [...]

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