

2022-11-12T23:50:08+02:00September 14th, 2022|

After 4 months of taking care of my health, I returned to work this week. It feels good. Life has a certain structure again. A routine has returned. I always thought a routine was boring. It meant repetition and I was more the kind of 'let's do nee things' girl. I've come to realize that routine is quite useful. It creates structure. It helps you get out of bed. It saves time. It is safe. It helps you get shit done. It sets a timetable. It requires boundaries. It doesn't ask questions. Now, too [...]

How balanced are you?

2024-07-23T08:50:48+02:00December 18th, 2020|

Balance is the new buzzword. It's the state we all long to be in. For years now, we have been hearing that a work life balance is important for our well-being. That we can't just work-work-work because we need to play in order to stay sane. And that we can't just play all the time, because there is rent to pay. But what does work life balance really mean? From my experience there is no right answer here. Because my work life balance may look terrifying to you and I might not like the way you ha [...]

How to stay sane during a pandemic

2022-05-31T14:04:10+02:00October 30th, 2020|

I think we can all agree that our lives have changed quite a bit since the beginning of the year. I have even talked about it in one of my last posts. So until the planets are re-aligning, the world has stopped spinning and we can all enjoy 100% of our freedom again, I wanted to share with you a few tips on how to stay sane during a pandemic, or any crazy or even normal times really. WORK As many of us are still or again working from home, it has become important to set up a place where yo [...]

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