Day 15 of #artjournaladvent2022

Every day, I receive a prompt to create a page in my advent art journal.

Today’s prompt was


If you haven’t watched @brenebrown Ted Talk on shame and vulnerability or read any of her books, I highly recommend you Google her.

For a long time, I saw vulnerability as a weakness.
I grew up ‘being strong’ and that meant not showing your weaknesses and emotions and often even hiding your deep down truth.

Eventually, I started showing up more authentically and realised that being vulnerable is a super power.

It opens up so many doors.
It allows people to open up as well and say ‘me too’.
It builds trust.
It makes us human and imperfectly beautiful.

It’s an ongoing learning and growing process for me.
Because life changes, we change, and we meet new people and need to start from scratch.
And being vulnerable can be very scary at times.
But, like with everything, the more we do it the better we get at it.

🦋What does vulnerability mean to you?🦋