Magical moments

2022-12-31T12:54:28+02:00December 20th, 2022|

Day 20 of #artjournaladvent2022 Every day, I receive a prompt to create a page in my advent art journal. Today's prompt was MAGICAL MOMENTS I've always been able to see and notice things that others didn't. I would look down when others looked up. I would connect the seemingly unconnectable. I would make up things from scratch. I could come up with 100 ideas in a minute. And so I can see magic in the ordinary. I can create magic in the everyday. Because magic is not only for magicians. We are a [...]


2022-12-31T12:52:47+02:00December 19th, 2022|

Day 19 of #artjournaladvent2022 Every day, I receive a prompt to create a page in my advent art journal. Today's prompt was HOME(LAND) I've lived in many houses, apartments and even countries. I've moved so many times. Each time shedding and letting go of something: an era, a relationship, a situation, a dream. Each time moving into something new. And different. The only things that remained a constant throughout was my BODY. Yes it changed over time (sometimes a lot!), but it was always there [...]

What can you let go of?

2022-12-31T12:51:03+02:00December 18th, 2022|

Day 18 of #artjournaladvent2022 Every day, I receive a prompt to create a page in my advent art journal. Today's prompt was WHAT CAN YOU LET GO OF? Let go is written on the wall of my studio. It is one of tthe most important lessons in life. There is so much we hold on to, we carry around, we insist on having. Thoughts. Assumptions. Clutter. Projections. Grief. Perfectionism. Picture of how it is supposed to be. Fears. Default settings. Masks. Boundaries. The list is endless and each person has [...]


2022-12-31T12:49:16+02:00December 18th, 2022|

I am participating in @kasiaavery CareDecember Art Journaling project. This is day 5 prompt: CLEANSING In 2009 I took a coach and part of the program was knowing where your energy went. And the first exercise was going through your house, room by room, with a list and questions that helped you clear out things. The second step was looking at the energy in your different areas of life and answer a set of questions. These two exercises were the most important realization for me of the entire prog [...]


2022-12-31T12:47:35+02:00December 17th, 2022|

Day 17 of #artjournaladvent2022 Every day, I receive a prompt to create a page in my advent art journal. Today's prompt was FEARLESS I’m 53 today. I am not fearless. But I have learned to live with fear. I give it a chair at the table. Because fear is useful. It plays a role in our life. It keeps us safe. Sometimes from things that no longer represent a danger. Fear can be a bit stupid that way. 😂 Once it had protected us from something, it keeps doing that. Even after the danger is no longer. [...]

Grow and heal

2022-12-31T12:46:11+02:00December 17th, 2022|

I am participating in @kasiaavery CareDecember Art Journaling project. This is day 4 prompt: GROW AND HEAL I have always had a tendency to be somewhere else than where I was. Because elsewhere always seemed better or more exciting. I moved out of my parents’ house when I was 17. I moved to Paris when I was 19. I left one party to go to the next. I researched trips endlessly to make sure I had it all covered and wasn’t missing anything. Nowadays I am slowly returning to growing where I was plant [...]


2022-12-31T12:44:36+02:00December 16th, 2022|

Day 16 of #artjournaladvent2022 Every day, I receive a prompt to create a page in my advent art journal. Today's prompt was UNFILTERED Gloria Gaynor sings: Your life is a sham til you can shout out I am what I am No hiding No excuses No judgement (of self or others) Loving what’s in your closet Banging your own drum Loving your sparkles Being proud Shouting it out NO FILTER 🦋What does unfiltered bring up in you?🦋 [...]

The blank space

2022-12-31T12:43:04+02:00December 16th, 2022|

I am participating in @kasiaavery CareDecember Art Journaling project. This is day 3 prompt: THE BLANK SPACE It’s so important to leave a blank space when you create art. It seems to fill the rest of the canvas. It’s also so important to have blank spaces in life. Time in your day and calendar to just be with yourself and what you love to do. Space for surprises, serendipity and things to enter spontaneously. Space for curiosity and wonder and amazement at what wasn’t planned. Space for just be [...]


2022-12-31T12:40:53+02:00December 15th, 2022|

Day 15 of #artjournaladvent2022 Every day, I receive a prompt to create a page in my advent art journal. Today's prompt was VULNERABILITY If you haven’t watched @brenebrown Ted Talk on shame and vulnerability or read any of her books, I highly recommend you Google her. For a long time, I saw vulnerability as a weakness. I grew up ‘being strong’ and that meant not showing your weaknesses and emotions and often even hiding your deep down truth. Eventually, I started showing up more authentically [...]

Building castles in the air

2022-12-31T12:39:27+02:00December 14th, 2022|

Day 14 of #artjournaladvent2022 Every day, I receive a prompt to create a page in my advent art journal. Today's prompt was BUILDING CASTLES IN THE AIR I’ve collaged a poem by Thomas Love Peacock on building castles in the air as well as a mix of Paris’ Dome des Invalides and Notre Dame. Dreaming up images, stories, adventures has always been a thing for me. I wrote and collages so much as a kid and teenager. I dreamed a lot too about adventures to come and where I’d want to go and what I’d wan [...]

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